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The time has come to buy your first handpan. But before you rush in, do you want to know how much it really costs? That's a good thing.

On the Internet, prices range in all directions (as does quality). That's why we've written this article for you, to help you buy the instrument with the best value for money. Let's take a look at .... 

What is the price of a handpan?

Specifically, the price of a Handpan usually ranges between 800 and £3500. This price varies from year to year depending on the supply and demand on the market.

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But why is there such a price difference?

This is due to many factors, such as the quality, the manufacturing method, the materials used and the rarity of the particular instrument. If you are a beginner and don't want to spend a lot of money because you are afraid of not knowing how long you will play for, then 9-note handpans are ideal. They cost relatively little and allow you to learn to play your first notes quickly and without difficulty.

However, if you choose a handpan with more notes (10 or even 17!), the price may increase. We recommend this type of pans for advanced or expert musicians.

The price of a used handpan

Of course, you can get a musical instrument much cheaper (up to £400) if you buy it used on Ebay or Unfortunately, as you probably know, you have to be twice as careful when you don't buy new. This is because the instrument you buy can actually be a badly tuned wreck. So you have to be careful.

Why are handpans so expensive?

First of all, handpans are tuned by hand (with a hammer) and take several weeks to make. Because they are painstakingly handmade, handpans are expensive musical instruments. The price of a high-quality handpan ranges from 800 to £3,000 and tends to retain its value.

Here are a few reasons for the price:

1) The manufacture of handpans is very time-consuming

Depending on the handpan manufacturer (or handpan manufacturer), it can take up to 2 or 3 months to build a handpan from start to finish. In fact, the making of a handpan involves many steps: Forming the shells, sending them to an industrial third party for nitriding, pressing the notes, roughly tuning the instrument, applying various heat treatments, gluing the shells, polishing, tuning the handpan, once, twice, three times... until it is hardened and ready for sale.

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2) The theory of supply and demand

Secondly, the demand for Handpans is always greater than the supply. If you remember from your economics classes, supply and demand regulate prices. If you could buy a handpan in any music shop, the price of a handpan would probably be quite low. However, since there are only a handful of people who make good handpans, and a lot of people want to buy a handpan, the price of a handpan would be quite high.

3) The other cost of the handpan by the handle...

It is also important to note that there may be other costs associated with the purchase of a Handpan. To ensure that your instrument arrives safely, shipping costs will be added to the price of your Handpan. Depending on the location of the manufacturer, sales tax may also apply. Finally, if you buy a handpan abroad, you may have to pay customs duties at the border. Yes, a good handpan costs a lot of money, but as the saying goes, ‘when you love it, you don't count’. Don't you? 😄

But what is a good handpan now?

Unfortunately, it is not easy to check the quality of the instrument you buy on the internet. So the best advice we can give you is to check reviews, visit Facebook groups and trust the authority of the website you are buying from.

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At ZenaPan, we work with numerous artisans who make handpans all over the world. Each piece has been analysed and tested beforehand to offer you high quality instruments.

1) The best choice for beginners

If you are a beginner, our advice is to choose an instrument with few notes (only 8, 9, 10 notes). Rest assured that this does not mean that you will quickly feel limited in your learning. The handpan is an intuitive instrument that can be played improvisationally. Each note can be played in different ways, giving you a very wide range of sound colours. In this way, you can awaken the percussionist in you.

See also our collection of 9-note handpans. Here you will find the best value for money instruments for beginners.

2) The best choice for advanced/expert players

If you are not a first time handpan player, we recommend that you choose a fuller instrument (10-17 notes). We offer them at reasonable prices, but you can certainly contact a craftsman and tell him what you want, the scale you want and how often it should be played. In this way, you can enjoy a tailor-made handpan that meets all your needs. Of course, with this comes the price.... Expect to pay at least £1500 for a handpan handmade of the highest quality.

Where can I buy a handpan?

This is a good question. Nowadays there are numerous distributors and manufacturers of these majestic musical cymbals. Since the official PANart production was discontinued, the number of manufacturers has multiplied over the years.

Here are the places where you can buy them:

Directly at And yes, we couldn't let it go 😉 . We work with many artisans from all over the world who make unique and high quality pieces at attractive prices. This way, we give people the work they deserve, while offering quality instruments at affordable prices. We make sure that your package is delivered on time.

In Facebook groups. There are many musicians who resell their instruments at bargain prices. You can find great instruments in a decent condition and at very low prices.

Thanks to Mr. David Charrier's non-exhaustive list of manufacturers. It's a good way to find a reputable maker at the prices you want. Don't hesitate to take the time to talk to them about your needs. They will help you on many important points before you buy your next instrument.

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In conclusion

Ordering a handpan can quickly become a headache in this mass of manufacturers and sellers. There is something for every taste, for every colour, but also for every price. To make your life easier, you can email us directly for free help. You can also join our Facebook groups to get in touch with musicians who can give you relevant advice 😀.