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Ready to discover the art of preserving your Handpan, an instrument that charms with its soothing sounds? At ZenaPan, we opt for first-rate materials to ensure its durability. This article guides you through the essential maintenance required to ensure that every note of your hang drum retains its purity. Perfect for beginners, plunge into a journey where your musical instrument remains eternally vibrant.

Read: How is the handpan made?

Caring for a nitrided handpan is a challenge

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Maintaining a nitridedhandpan is a real headache, mainly because of the diversity of nitriding processes applied by each hang manufacturer. This specificity makes it difficult to apply universal maintenance advice, as the characteristics of each instrument vary significantly.

1. Variability of treatments

Each workshop uses its own nitriding process, adjusting the temperature and duration of exposure to nitrogen. These variations directly influence the porosity and corrosion resistance of the nitrided steel, making each Zen drum unique in terms of maintenance requirements.

2. Risks of generalised maintenance

Followinggeneric maintenance advice can be risky. Some products, such as oils, may not be suitable for your specific handpan. Incorrect selection can alter the sound quality of the instrument or accelerate wear.

3. Consulting the manufacturer

The key to successful maintenance is communication with the manufacturer of your handpan. Before attempting any maintenance, it is essential to ask for personalised recommendations on the products and care practices appropriate for your instrument.

By taking a specific and informed approach to the care of your nitrided handpan, you can preserve its beauty and sound quality for years to come.

How do I maintain a stainless steel handpan?

A stainless steel handpan is much easier to maintain, as it is much less likely to rust. The fact that it has not undergone a thermochemical nitriding process also means that it is not porous to any great extent.

For maintenance, you'll need :

  • A soft cloth,
  • A scrubbing sponge (like the one you use for washing up),
  • A microfibre cloth or chamois leather,
  • Alcohol,
  • Protective oil.

    Embark on a unique sonic adventure by exploring our exclusive collection of original Handpans on Zenapan. Visit us now and find your perfect drum!

    Step 1: Use a soft cloth

    Start by wiping your instrument with a soft cloth to remove any traces of grease and moisture left by your hands. 

    This step prepares your musical instrument to receive the protective oil, which can only be applied if your instrument does not yet show any signs of rust. If this is not the case, go straight on to step 4.

    Step 2: Use a scraping sponge

    When your Handpan only has small traces of rust, it's not always worth going all out right away.

    The first solution is to use the green side of the sponge you use for washing up, the famous scratching side.

    For those of you familiar with stainless steel balls, which are often used to clean burnt-out saucepans, never use them on your tool. You'll damage it permanently.

    To make the most of the sponge's scrubbing action, use small circular movements, but don't overdo it. The secret lies in being gentle. If the rust is too deep, you can move on to step three.

    Step 3: Use alcohol

    It goes without saying that the alcohol to use is 70° or 90° household spirit. To apply it, soak a soft cloth in alcohol then apply it to both sides of the hang drum, paying particular attention to the joint between the two metal domes.

    Alcohol is used because it is less corrosive than water and allows better elimination of surface ions and removal of rust that has already formed.

    hang hang instrument, handpan instrument, hang hang drum; hang instrument

    Step 4: Apply the protective oil

    The purpose of the protective oil is to protect the metal of the Handpan by forming a film between the air and the metal, in order to prevent the oxidation-reduction process.

    Rust is formed by the combination of iron, oxygen and water. Removing one of these compounds prevents oxidation of the steel.

    However, each hang requires an oil recommended by the manufacturer, to match the characteristics of the steel and the manufacturing process used.
    You can apply the oil with a soft cloth and leave it on for a few minutes.

    Step 5: Remove excess oil with a microfibre cloth or chamois leather

    The final stage in maintaining your Handpan is to remove the excess oil. There are two ways of doing this:

    • Use a microfibre cloth,
    • Use a chamois.

      In both cases, these types of cloth will allow you to catch the excess oil. Chamois leather has the advantage of making your instrument shine much more than a simple microfibre cloth.

      Tip: for extra shine, you can use used stockings to rub the surface of your instrument. This will give your instrument an incredible shine.

      Handpan maintenance guide

      This chart provides a detailed roadmap for the care and maintenance of your steel drum. By following these simple but essential steps, you will not only ensure the longevity of your instrument, but also preserve its sound quality.

      handpan, hang drum, hang drum vs handpan; hang hand; metal hand drum instrument

      From the frequency of cleaning to the selection of maintenance products and storage advice, every aspect is covered to help you look after your hang drum with confidence and efficiency.

      Maintenance activity

      Frequency Instructions

      Recommended products


      Surface cleaning After each use Wipe with a soft, dry cloth to remove fingerprints and dust. Microfibre cloth Avoid water or chemicals
      Oil application Monthly Apply a thin layer of oil to protect against corrosion. Coconut oil, baby oil Apply in moderation
      Checking the tuning Half-yearly Use a tuner application to check and adjust the tuning if necessary. Digital tuner for Handpan Do not force the notes during adjustment
      Storage Continuous Store in a dry endier at a stable temperature, out of direct sunlight. Protective cover, Handpan stand Avoid damp areas or sudden changes in temperature


      Things to remember

      To ensure the longevity and sonic purity of your nitrided handpan, it is crucial to follow a suitable maintenance routine, specially designed according to the manufacturer's guidelines. The differences in the nitriding process underline the importance of a tailored approach.

      We invite you to share your own tips and explore more advice on our blog dedicated to Handpan enthusiasts. Together, let's enrich our practice and understanding of this fascinating instrument of relaxation.

      When you order your handpan from ZenaPan, you'll receive a special cloth for cleaning your instrument.

      hand drum instrument; hand pans; handpan for sale; buy hang drum


      1. How do I maintain my handpan?

      To maintain your handpan, regularly clean it with a soft cloth and apply a light oil coating to prevent rust. Keep it in a dry, cool place and avoid direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.

      2. What is the best way to care for my handpan?

      The best way to care for your handpan is to clean it regularly, apply oil every few months, and store it properly. Avoid dropping it and handle it gently to preserve its tuning and condition.

      3. How often should I oil my handpan?

      You should oil your handpan every 1-2 months to prevent rust and maintain its finish. Use a light oil like Phoenix Oil or Frog Lube for best results.

      4. How long do handpans last?

      With proper care, handpans can last many years. Regular cleaning, oiling, and proper storage significantly extend the instrument's lifespan.

      5. How often do handpans need to be tuned?

      Handpans typically need to be tuned every 1-2 years, depending on usage and care. Regular playing and environmental factors can affect tuning stability.

      6. Can you put coconut oil on a handpan?

      Yes, you can use coconut oil on your handpan, but it's better to use oils specifically designed for handpans, like Phoenix Oil or Frog Lube, as they provide better protection against rust and corrosion.